Category: Uncategorized

Natural Health: Preparing for Sleep

Sleep is supposed to be easy right? Chinese medicine gives us insight into why that is not always the case. Read more for help with sleep!

Keep Warm in Frigid Weather: Spices ARE Herbs!

Black pepper, aged dried ginger, cloves, cinnamon bark, fennel, and szechuan pepper are all TCM warm interior herbs!

Chinese Medical Nutrition: Bone Broth

What is Bone Broth? Who needs it? What should I look for in my Bone Broth? Why do we eat/drink it? What does that have to do with Chinese Medicine?  Bone broth is simple, bones cooked in water for a long period of time… Continue Reading “Chinese Medical Nutrition: Bone Broth”

Autumn, Metal, & Constipation

Metal governs the Lung and Large Intestine channel-organ systems. This season they can become dry leading to constipation. Read on to find out the remedy!

Springtime is Greens Time!

The theme for springtime is cleansing. In western herbalism it is common to do a fast and/or cleanse in the spring to give the liver a break and allow the body to detoxify itself – a process that is constant and can be hampered… Continue Reading “Springtime is Greens Time!”

Happy Chinese New Year! Subscribe to Our Seasonal Newsletter!

We are so excited to announce our brand new seasonal newsletter which contains business announcements, facts about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), health and wellness tips for the season, and our favorite herbal formulas, supplements and maybe even a few recipes. This year there are… Continue Reading “Happy Chinese New Year! Subscribe to Our Seasonal Newsletter!”

Photo-Therapy – it’s like Acupuncture without needles!

Finding ways that patients can enhance their treatments and their health effectively at home has become more important in the last several months as we prefer to stay home. We’re pleased to have become a distributor for Lifewave – a company that produces small… Continue Reading “Photo-Therapy – it’s like Acupuncture without needles!”

Six things you need to know about Acupuncture

Since traditional medicines predate modern medicine, they had to treat everything.  Our modern scope includes using our modalities, “to prevent or modify the perception of pain, to normalize physiological functions, or for the treatment of diseases or dysfunctions of the body…” (Acupuncture Practice Act,… Continue Reading “Six things you need to know about Acupuncture”

Acupuncture, it’s NOT just for Pain!

Acupuncture is a part of a complete health system mostly known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or more politically correct, Traditional East Asian Medicine. TEAM is a great acronym since a practitioner and his or her patient act together as a team to bring… Continue Reading “Acupuncture, it’s NOT just for Pain!”